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  Sydney - City
New South Wales

Male, 52 years old
5'11"/180 cm

PASSIONet Name: Benjamin72

Life is too short so spend it with people who are fun and interesting otherwise its just like staying with a job that's boring

Ideal partner:
Smart, confident, petite, groomer with a BIG warm smile and arms that wrap around you with a hug when you meet her.

I have a job that I love and have been fortunate to be surrounded by colleagues that enjoy the company of. My friends and family are all interesting and giving individuals. I wake up in my day with a plan and then proceed to plough through the tasks I set. My days a sometimes long but I don't mind in fact I only wish I had a couple more hours to achieve a little more. I don't have children but have been know to baby sit nieces and nephews when the opportunity arrises. Apparently I am the best uncle and baby-sitter. I do enjoy what kids have to say and am often blown away with their knowledge at a young age.

Body type: Proportional
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Light Brown
Smoking habits: Don't smoke
Drinking habits: Occasionally / socially
Relationship status: Single
Have children: No
Want children: Not Specified
Nationality: AUSTRALIA
Ethnic/cultural background: Australian
Religion: Catholic
Occupation industry: Education / Science
Occupation level: Professional
Education level: Degree
Political persuasion: Left Wing
Diet: No special diet
Personality type: Very Social
Have Pets: Yes, have pets
Sign of the Zodiac: Taurus
Music: I like modern, rock, jazz. I sometimes enjoy a bit of country and western.
Reading: I like autobiographies and the papers
Movies: If a favourite actor is in the film I will watch it.
Sport: I like to play tennis, swim and love to go dirt bike riding on the weekend.
Other interests: Something I have not done a lot of is travel.

Relationship sought: Long-term relationship with a Male.
Internet Pal or friendship with a Male.
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