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  Sydney - South
New South Wales

Female, 48 years old
5'6"/167 cm

PASSIONet Name: hello

I believe you can talk on the net but it's not until you meet a person that you can begin to appreciate them for who they really are!

Ideal partner:
A man who is successful in whatever work he does. He would be honest, affectionate and have a kind and happy nature with an even temperament. A good wit would make me laugh and contribute to happy times.

(There's all that body language and body odour to be assessed!)... so for me...the quicker we meet the better! My work is both challenging and rewarding. I am a school teacher and have a class of kindergarten children. I hope to one day have one of my own. On a personal level I see myself as having a happy, friendly nature with an even temperament. I have a creative streak which occasionally surfaces in a variety of forms. I avoid conflict wherever possible. A heated discussion between others can sometimes make me feel uncomfortable. That doesn't mean I won't stand up for things I believe in. I like to do a job properly. I am basically a caring and affectionate person who has a positive but at the same time realistic outlook on life. I can be the perfect lady BUT also enjoy letting my hair down.

Body type: Slim
Eye colour: Black
Hair colour: Dark Brown
Smoking habits: Don't smoke
Drinking habits: Occasionally / socially
Relationship status: Separated
Have children: No
Want children: Not Specified
Nationality: AUSTRALIA
Ethnic/cultural background: Australian
Religion: Anglican
Occupation industry: Education / Science
Occupation level: Professional
Education level: Degree
Political persuasion: No strong beliefs
Diet: No special diet
Personality type: Very Social
Have Pets: Yes, have pets
Sign of the Zodiac: Capricorn
Music: I enjoy a variety of music and in particular music that I can dance to. I love dancing.
Reading: I am not an avid reader. I somehow feel guilty sitting around reading. There always seems to be something else that needs to be done.Lately however I have been reading a chapter or two before going to bed.I do believe reading is good for the mind and
Movies: Some of my favourites include Dances with Wolves, Sleepless in Seattle, Castaway,Catch Me if You Can,Entrapment,You've Got Mail, Shawshank Redemption. I don't go to the movies that often but usually enjoy it when I do. Last films seen were Eight
Below and The Worlds Fastest Indian.
Sport: Love tennis and bush walking. I go to the gym to try and keep trim.I would like to add that I am very willing to take an interest in your interests as long as they aren't high risk adrenalin producing sports such as sky diving, bungy jumping and the
like! I value my life too much!
Other interests: Sometimes I write poetry for fun,enjoy wining & dining and am interested in amateur theatre. Was recently in a TV advert.

Relationship sought: Short-term or long-term relationship with a Male.
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