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  Sydney - City
New South Wales

Male, 63 years old
5'9"/175 cm

PASSIONet Name: kissingisfun

Great conversation is sexy

Ideal partner:
A woman who is mature in mind, body and has a positive outlook. Uses her intuitive creative capacities and feminity.

Born in Brisbane, grew up in Wagga Wagga. (Yes, in case you really need to ask,... I'm single, I was divorced in 1992 - no ties, with the past, and no worries) Just moving back to Sydney as I write. I'm self-employed, am semi-retired, and yes, financially independant. I love people. Talking with friends over a cuppa. My interests incl art galleries, public speaking (yeah, ..just put me infront of a microphone and watch the audience laugh), writing (non-fiction) and history. Plus I run a very popular social art and scenic walks group Sydney. I have an active social life - and I'm not a pub or club type either - the only 'sport' I follow - is time out at the beach, i.e. Noosa Beach or Coolum or Manly Beach etc. I have a very public life as I'm always organizing social events, and entertaining other people. Love sandy beaches, and love good/meaningful conversation. I have a huge number of friends and thus feeeeel very lucky. I make friends everywhere I go. Why am I here? ..... I love meeting new people, creating new social links and fordging new friendships. As such if you are a social person too, we might have a thing or two to chat about.

Body type: Slim
Eye colour: Hazel
Hair colour: Light Brown
Smoking habits: Don't smoke
Drinking habits: Non-drinker
Relationship status: Divorced
Have children: No
Want children: No, but yours are fine
Nationality: AUSTRALIA
Ethnic/cultural background: Australian
Religion: Other Christian
Occupation industry: Consulting
Occupation level: Business Owner
Education level: High School
Political persuasion: No strong beliefs
Diet: No special diet
Personality type: Average
Have Pets: Not Specified
Sign of the Zodiac: Aries
Music: I like some pop music, many artists, plus I like to go to places where you can hear LIVE Music - piano playing, jazz singers etc, when you have a cuppa, such as The Four Seasons at Circular Quay or The Atrium on the 35th Floor at Sofitel,
Reading: I read a lot of personal development books.
Movies: Sucker for movies like: Pretty Woman, The Wedding Date, Working Girl, .... plus any thought provoking movie or a good comedy... I also buy DVDs like they are going out of fashion. PS Have you seen the movie called; The Secret? or What The Bleep? - if
so we need to talk.
Sport: The beach, walking and reading, I'm not into watching any tv sports (I'm not a "Joe Six Pack" okay) but I will watch the Olympics, thats about it.
Other interests: Walks, dinner parties, public speaking, writing etc

Relationship sought: Short-term or long-term relationship with a Female.
Friendship with a Female.
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