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  Sydney - City
New South Wales

Female, 55 years old
5'6"/167 cm

PASSIONet Name: missbubbles36

Hi there, would love to have a chat so come on don't be shy!!

Ideal partner:
Some one who has a nice smile, nice eyes, that also looks after there apperance,he would have to be a good listener as im a great talker, I really think some one who is understanding and honest.

Well where do I start - I'm an outgoing very happy person who loves to live each day as it come, I'm a mum I have my own buisness and I love getting to the gym in my spare time.

Body type: Proportional
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Blonde
Smoking habits: Don't smoke
Drinking habits: Occasionally / socially
Relationship status: Single
Have children: Yes, have children living at home sometimes
Want children: Undecided
Nationality: AUSTRALIA
Ethnic/cultural background: Australian
Religion: Anglican
Occupation industry: Other
Occupation level: Business Owner
Education level: High School
Political persuasion: No strong beliefs
Diet: No special diet
Personality type: Very Social
Have Pets: Yes, like pets but do not have any
Sign of the Zodiac: Aquarius
Music: I like all kinds of music except heavy metal the sixtys and seventys and even the eighties are all good time slots for music i listen to Nova ,104.1, and ok I'm a dag sometimes even 106.5 im a bit of a channel flicker.
Reading: I really never read as its not time permitted however i might read the newspaper or a goss magazine I dont mind a bit of goss no and then.haha
Movies: OK Movies has to be the chick flicks for sure there are loads of great movies out i used to love Braveheart until the other day when i watched Adam Sandlers new movie Click oh wow i cryed so much however some parts were funny so i think that has
to be up there on the favorite list.
Sport: Love to watch Soccer, footy (Go Sharkies) or cricket i also like tennis i really like going to the gym most days ive just gotten back into it and im totally loving it.
Other interests: Shopping of course, hanging out with friends or good company, as much as i like to go out i really like staying in watching a dvd and having a nice bottle of red, however that is not much fun on our own!!

Relationship sought: Long-term relationship with a Male.
Internet Pal with a Male.
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