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  Sydney - West
New South Wales

Female, 49 years old
5'6"/167 cm

PASSIONet Name: dragonfly

Hi Adrian - would love to see you again..sorry I didn't call but I didn't store your number correctly!!!

Ideal partner:
Funny, masculine, self assured, motivated, respectful of self and of others, effective communicator, sees life as a journey, loves to travel, affectionate, loves music and art, supportive without being possessive

There came a day when the flower realised that the pain of remaining tight in a bud was greater than the risk of opening up and blossoming.. Anais Nin There is a lot to me... lots of energy... lots of enthusiasm... lots of creativity... lots of sensuality... lots of love... lots of lust... lots of intelligence... lots of fun... lots of laughter... lots of emotions and lots of humour... lots of extremes actually.

Body type: Proportional
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Light Brown
Smoking habits: Don't smoke
Drinking habits: Occasionally / socially
Relationship status: Divorced
Have children: Yes, have children living at home
Want children: Not Specified
Nationality: AUSTRALIA
Ethnic/cultural background: Australian
Religion: Catholic
Occupation industry: Construction
Occupation level: Management
Education level: Post Graduate
Political persuasion: Not Specified
Diet: No special diet
Personality type: Social
Have Pets: Not Specified
Sign of the Zodiac: Aquarius
Music: Playing the piano
Anything live really - some favourites are Coldpay, Bon Jovi U2. India Ari, Angus & Julius Stone, John Mayer, 80's power ballads (actually anything from the 80's!!)
Reading: Self help books, the classics, conspiracy theories
Currently reading the Laws of Attraction and Emotional Intelligence
Movies: Romantic Comedy
Sport: Tennis
Other interests: Travelling, alternative medicine, singing!!!

Relationship sought: Short-term or long-term relationship with a Male.
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