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You are allowed to have up to four photos.
Please note:
  • Only send real photos of yourself. Cartoons, illustrations and graphics are not accepted.
  • All photos have to be manually processed, including checking for acceptability and reformatting so that they do not affect the performance of our site.
  • If your photo is larger than the required dimensions (1MB - dimensions of 300x300 pixels or less), it will be scaled down. It is advised that you resize your photos if they are big before uploading them.
  • You can update your photo password, caption and comment at any time for free.
  • You may need to refresh the page by pressing (F5) after uploading a photo to see your new photo.

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Requirements: Photo must be a .jpg, .png or a .gif; under 1MB and dimensions of 300 x 300 pixels or less.
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PASSIONet reserves the right to modify the photo as necessary.
Depending on the size of your photo it may take several minutes to transfer.
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